The main health benefits of lemongrass essential oil offer the potential for it to:
1. Work as an effective cleaning agent
Lemongrass essential oil is 70-80% citral, a chemical compound that contains strong antimicrobial properties.
The antimicrobial properties of lemongrass oil are provided by its constituents limonene and citral, which prove to be particularly useful when it comes to battling various infections and forms of bacteria.
Antifungal activity of the Lemon grass oil and citral against Candida spp
GO TO SOURCE found that the oil also contained powerful antifungal abilities.
Antifungal Activity of Lemon Grass Oil and Lemon Grass Oil Cream
GO TO SOURCE found it was effective against four types of fungi, with one type being responsible for causing jock itch, ringworm and athlete’s foot.
2. Offer protection against bugs and insects
Our homes are exposed to a variety of bugs and pests and not everyone is comfortable letting them crawl and fly around without restriction.
The high geraniol and citral content in lemongrass oil could offer some respite, however, as research has found it can be effective at repelling mosquitoes.
Efficacy of Thai herbal essential oils as green repellent against mosquito vectors
GO TO SOURCE also discovered that combining lemongrass oil with a vegetable-based carrier oil could offer as much as 98.5% protection against house mosquitoes.
You can put this to the test at home by adding 15-20 drops of lemongrass essential oil to a glass spray bottle filled with distilled water, before spritzing it at flying bugs as and when needed.
3. Potentially improve gut health
Studies into the effectiveness of lemongrass oil on gut health have produced some interesting results to date.
Investigation of the Mechanisms Underlying the Gastroprotective Effect of Cymbopogon Citratus Essential Oil
GO TO SOURCE that lemongrass essential oil possessed the ability to protect the stomach from gastric damage and even went as far as preventing the formation of ulcers or other irritations.
Elsewhere, it is also believed that lemongrass oil could contain antidiarrheal properties, which could be related to its anti-inflammatory qualities.
Whilst more research is needed, these elements could mean the oil is able to promote comfort and health in the gut.
4. Soothe aching muscles
Topical uses of lemongrass oil mean it can work as an effective treatment for soothing sore muscles and muscular spasms.
Studies have also been conducted that suggest the oil may be able to improve circulation.
Scientific basis for the therapeutic use of Cymbopogon citratus, stapf (Lemon grass)
GO TO SOURCE found that lemongrass oil benefits extended to easing muscle pain, whilst further research
Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) essential oil as a potent anti-inflammatory and antifungal drugs
GO TO SOURCE a few years later found that the anti-inflammatory properties were most likely the reason it was able to work so effectively.
5. Improve skin and hair
When researching the benefits of lemongrass oil, you may be surprised to learn that the oil can do wonders for the appearance of your skin and hair.
Thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, lemongrass essential oil has long been used to treat irritated, swollen skin.
It may also be able to reduce the appearance of redness, offering protection for pores against harmful bacteria.
The astringent properties of lemongrass oil can improve the elasticity of the skin, leaving it looking refreshed and more youthful.
You could also try using lemongrass essential oil on the scalp, with some finding it can offer relief from itching and symptoms associated with dandruff.
6. Calm feelings of anxiety
Lemongrass oil benefits are not only linked to the body, but also the mind, with the scent offering a sense of relief when it comes to managing negative emotions.
GO TO SOURCE and found that when people were exposed to an anxiety-causing situation, these symptoms decreased after smelling lemongrass oil.
Inhaling the oil allowed the participants to recover from the stressful moment almost immediately, which was in stark contrast to the control group who experienced anxiety-related emotions for longer.
7. Ease rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
Lemongrass oil uses are varied, and it could offer relief for people with rheumatoid arthritis, which is most likely due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
GO TO SOURCE involving 30 people who took part in tests to understand more about the health benefits of lemongrass essential oil.
They all had rheumatoid arthritis and were aged between 35-70 years old.
During the tests, participants were given 3 milligrams of lemongrass oil which was applied for a period of 30 days.
When the study was completed, researchers found that less pain was experienced by a large percentage of people involved.
8. Calm headache pain
Although research into this benefit is limited, some studies have found that lemongrass oil could prove helpful when it comes to calming headache pain.
Isolation of Bioactive Compounds That Relate to the Anti-Platelet Activity of Cymbopogon ambiguus
GO TO SOURCE found that native Australian lemongrass was able to provide pain relief for migraines and headaches.
They believe that the eugenol compound contains similar abilities to aspirin.
It is thought that the clumping together of blood platelets can be prevented by eugenol.
The compound can also release serotonin, a hormone that plays a vital role in sleep, appetite, mood and cognitive functions.
9. Regulate blood sugars and lipids
People with type 2 diabetes who have high levels of blood sugar may find that lemongrass oil could offer some help.
This belief is based on a 2007 rat study, where they were given a daily oral dose of 500 milligrams of lemongrass oil for 42 days.
At the end of the study, researchers found that blood sugar levels in the rats had been lowered.
At the same time, lipid parameters had been changed, whilst HDL (good) cholesterol levels had increased.
10. Relieve nausea and prevent gastric ulcers
People have used lemongrass as a folk remedy for hundreds of years in the belief that it can ease several digestive issues, including gastric ulcers and stomach aches.
GO TO SOURCE researchers conducted a mice study using lemongrass essential oil, and found that it was able to prevent gastric ulcers, which are a common cause of stomach pain.
When it comes to treating nausea, lemongrass is commonly included in herbal teas and supplements.
These treatments typically use dried lemongrass leaves, although adding food grade lemongrass oil could also be effective.
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